Saturday, December 5, 2009


The only way to conquer fear is to face it.

Being human, we all have fears. Things we can't help but be afraid of eventhough we know it is safe. We are still afraid. Like fear of heights. No matter how many strings are tied around us, we still fear it.

Most probably because it is something beyond our comfort zone. Something that no matter how many coaxing by others, if we are not willing to conquer it, there's no way anyone can change our mind about it.

The month of December is known internationally as the World AIDS month. This is the time of the year where volunteers not only try to reach out to those who are facing this struggle but also to reach out to those who believes knowing nothing is better than knowing and those who are afraid to even speak it's name.

HIV does not discriminate.

Today, 15 of us went as volunteers to Wangsa Walk, A shopping mall somewhere in KL to try to increase awareness within the community. I think the most enlightening thing was to actually listen to the people talk about HIV and to see their response when someone wearing a sandwich board written "I'm HIV positive, Will you hug me?" approach them.

Probably the best thing anyone can learn from here is that fear is a big element that blocks understanding. Don't deny, if someone mentioned that they are HIV positive, eventhough you put on a "It's ok" front, hundred of thoughts are running through your head. You're are wondering "Did I drink anything that person drank," "That person hug me recently, do you think they could be somewhere I could get infected then," "Am I infected already?"

It's alright to fear scared. It's actually normal. But running away is not the solution. Stigmatizing is not the solution. It's facing it, learning about it and trying to help people who might be infected by it.

Sometimes, the best way to learn is to work closely with this people.

Just like heights, as soon as you let go and jump you realize that the only thing holding you back is you.

Today, I learn to conquer my fear. :)