Myc asked me to read this blog and she almost never introduce things to people without knowing it's really, really good so there I was reading a blog titled Product of the system and it was really enlightening.
As a onlooker, I don't think I reserve the rights to say whose fault is it because I wasn't there. Doctors are merely humans. And doctors does not own a singular personality that all doctors should have. There are different type of doctors in this world.
We don't have to look to far away to see how out future doctors will be. Just look at some of the private medical Universities here. You can see varying personalities. Some of them goes clubbing till late at night and some which burn the midnight oil. Doesn't mean that those who go clubbing and party till late at night would not be good doctors. They might be really a good one, one day. Same goes to those who burn the midnight oil, they might be good doctors and also maybe not. It's not what they study that determines what type of doctor they will be one day, but the aptitude of themselves.
Not many people can handle dealing with another person's life and that's what makes doctor special because instead of running away from a dying person, you have to run towards them and try to save their life. Not everything is glam and pretty like you see on medical dramas on television. Things are often bleaker, darker. The only thing glamorous about being a doctor in Malaysia is the title Doctor and nothing else.
Having said that, I truly believe one thing about doctors. Anybody who have sat through five years of medicine truly wants to help people. It's not an easy road. I'm sure nobody wants to caused the death of someone. Having said that, anyone who chose this line of occupation should be humble and willing to learn. We are only human. They is only so much we can do and if we can't perform to the best of our abilities, it's time we reach out for help from others. We might have the knowledge to help save a person's life, but we're not God.